Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lord Forgive Me When I Whine

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” -2 Corinthians 4:17

It was early morning. The sun had not peeked over the horizon on a February morning in Woodstock, Georgia. Tired and feeling frustrated from working two jobs, I searched for a place to park in our crowded apartment complex. As I squeezed into an inconvenient space my frustration intensified. Now I would have to walk an extra 25 yards to our apartment building.

As I stepped on the sidewalk leading to our front entrance, I noticed a white van parked in a handicapped space, engine running, doors open and windows frosted with ice. Then something caught my attention. A petite lady was bending over to pick up something in front of the side door of her van. When I realized what she was doing, my heart broke. When she stood up, there was a young teenage girl in her arms. It was apparent the teen was paralyzed from the waist down.

I surmised the woman was a single mom helping her crippled daughter to school. Undoubtedly she went through the same routine every morning. As I witnessed this mother's early morning sacrifice of love, I counted my blessings and felt ashamed that I had whined and complained. My problems now seemed minuscule in comparison.

Prayer: Lord, please forgive when I complain. Help me to look outside myself and realize that I could be carrying a much heavier burden.

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